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October 29, 2003




But the devil's advocate must tally all of the personal information (Identity) which was leaked here, Digitally, without knowledge or consent of the victims. Assuming I'm the victim:

1. Where I was that night (which hotel).
2. The fact that I was in a bar.
3. The fact that I was drinking (or, frankly, that I was totally sloshed, given the look on my face in some of those shots), and finally,
4. Several other lovely young people whom I was with that night.

Could be incriminating.. Thankfully you deleted the bum and cleavage shots (or did you?).

No sense lamenting the corporate and VC entry into the software space of identity management... The fact is, amateur photoblogging is a much more clear and present threat to privacy.


(all tongue in cheek),



Oh you minx.

And for the record! I wasn't *lamenting* the VC/corp entry, not at all. Means it's all serious.
I was just pointing out that it meant that the conference had a different feel to it ...

some of my best friends are vulture capitalists!

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