I've heard some very good things about CS Source, usually proclaimed loudly with lots of handwaving from the BBC's clientside coding department (whom I trust implicitly, even if they are Counter-Strike-playing surrender monkeys instead of the Quake 4 'ardcore).
CS Source has included - in the 'office' map - motivational posters, and even overhead projector presentations.
"Headshot. Those who can, do, those who can't, complain."
Via _render_ .
LOL i need these posters for my RL office!!
Posted by: Andy H | October 15, 2004 at 10:30
I agree - I think Valve should start shipping some, a la http://www.despair.com/demotivators/mis24x30prin.html ...
Posted by: Alice | October 18, 2004 at 18:50