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March 10, 2005


Robert 'Groby' Blum

3rd floor behind the big black boxes at the entrance to the ballroom is the secret power supply ;)

What's much more aggravating is the lack of wireless here, though - only in the lobby. Sigh!


Ah! Excellent :) Yeah, not having wifi in the rooms is a pox, although rather common at conferences .. embarrassing though, cos I'm clattering away at my keyb and getting 'weirdo' looks from people, instead of *everyone* clattering away at keybs and me revelling in happy anonymity.

Tum te tum.

Robert 'Groby' Blum

Heh - I'm over the weirdo looks. (I get 'em anyways, so who cares ;)

(Almost) completely offtopic - I think I sat right next to you when you were writing your latest entry. (At least I thought the woman right next to me was typing something while on wonderland). Funny - we could've talked in person instead :)


Hah! I'm easily spottable - there's a chick in a bikini on the back of my jacket.
As you do.

Robert 'Groby' Blum

I don't know about any chicks in Bikinis, but the new pic you posted looks decidedly like it was you. If I see more chicks in bikini tomorrow, I'll wave hi ;)

As I do what, though?


Heh, sorry. As you do = English expression for.. er.. uh.. "The previous sentence had something in it that is possibly slightly unusual to most, but acceptable to some". Or is it the other way round?

Crap. Too much wine.

Robert 'Groby' Blum

Ah - you never stop learning. I suppose you are referring to British (or "proper" ) English, as opposed to the colonial style? ;)

And there's never such a thing as too much wine :)


Indeed - I'm British, innit! Sorry - should have said something like, very *english* expression..


Robert 'Groby' Blum

Don't worry - I figured from your e-mail addy. (Saw you on women_dev)

And even if it wasn't, I'm a "furrinner" as they say hereabouts - so plenty of idiomatic english that I just don't grok. Every explanation helps.

Carry on, then ;)

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