With waterpistols, fear not.
At the start of the game you will receive a manila envelope containing the following:
- A picture of your intended target(s)
- The home address of your intended target(s)
- The work address of your intended target(s)
- The name of your intended target(s)
- Contact information of your intended target(s)
Upon receipt of these items, your (or your team's) mission is to find and kill (by way of water gun, water balloon or super soaker) your target(s).
Omg, HARD CORE! Massive privacy invasion! Probably totally fun. I rummaged through the FAQs and the organisers do take some precautions, although you do sign up at your own risk:
What's your process for screening out overzealous freaks?
A: You must pick up your assassination packages in person and your ID is checked. Keep in mind, we have ALL the contact information for people, it is very easy to report them to the police if things get out of hand. That said, we have never had any problems with any of our players. THAT said, there is always a chance there will be a first time and you play at your own risk.
Just too cool. I just love the idea of people stalking the sweaty summer city streets armed with supersoakers. Hey - let me know if you sign up!
(via ProphecyBoy)
Isn't this like erm.. 'Killer' by Steve Jackson Games.
I played this as a kid, round Kingston with a few friends (ok, it was really us playing with a very loose structure of 'rules').
Still fun, yes fun....
Posted by: marksimpkins | June 02, 2006 at 12:01
I used to play Killer too, but this doesn't strike me as a terribly good idea in these days of anti-terror police with itchy trigger fingers ...
Posted by: neil h | June 02, 2006 at 12:29
I'd be up for it but I'm not about to give my home address out to anyone. Then again, anyone who'd be willing to trek that far out of London to get me would definitely hardcore.
Posted by: Tom | June 02, 2006 at 13:31
This has been going on in Cambridge amongst students for *years*. Never signed up, the ones who play it are a weird bunch ;) An amazing overlap between Assassins and Computer Scientists!
Posted by: Jez | June 02, 2006 at 14:49
You should defnitely do it - despite getting soaked early on, it was an intensely fun week of my life. The privacy thing is a bit odd, but most of my stalking actually happened online. Well, and through taunting voicemails. It' involves a lot more psychological warfare than I expected. Fun!
Posted by: Prophecy Boy | June 02, 2006 at 18:52
omg that's too funny! is this only in london? i'd love to participate in something like that. sounds like a blast.
Posted by: Maharet | June 02, 2006 at 19:06
Yeah, it certainly takes Killer to a whole new level when you don't know the people involved, so anyone you pass on the street could be out to get you.
CHeck the videos here:
I *loved* the "Taxi Driver"-style custom designed stealth watergun. And the girl carrying the collection of her kills. HARDCORE!!!!
Posted by: Kim | June 02, 2006 at 19:41
They played this when I was a First Year at my Hall in an effort to get people to meet each other. My hall had a rep of being anti-social and stuff. I signed up, but no one ever came banging on my door to "kill" me. :-(
Posted by: Account Deleted | June 03, 2006 at 11:41
question is:
How many people will fill thier water pistol with wee or ribina?
Posted by: Cris | June 03, 2006 at 20:06
Playing this on a school campus is one thing, playing with strangers on city streets where police (and everyone else) are feeling nervous about terrorism seems a tad dangerous...
Posted by: bob | June 05, 2006 at 01:52
I think people are getting too hung up on being scared about terrorism... i mean if it happens it happens but i'm not going to lock myself away and deny myself the opportunity of some kind of espionage/assassination :D I mean come on! how cool is this!
/me puts on sunglasses and leather coat, seeks out shadowy corner
Posted by: iki | June 14, 2006 at 20:07